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Staying connected is an important part of our Priory and the Order. Although the National Order holds an annual Conclave that all members are welcome to attend, with a membership that spans the nation and even the globe, it is not always easy to make plans for a large body of members to gather in person with any frequency.


Some regional Priories include several states with many hundred miles separating members. Therefore, in our effort to maintain fellowship among the Priory members and all Order members, we rely heavily on the internet. Our Order conducts all business, as well as member fellowship, on our own social media platform, Belief Book. The platform operates much like Facebook, with which many people are already familiar. We have our own personal pages and we also have separate groups specially created for the Order.

The Priory and the Order also uses the online Zoom application to conduct meetings and Round Tables. The Order holds Round Table meetings and Bible Studies via Zoom. Please see the schedules for these meetings below.


With the exception of the weekly Priory Roll Call and the attendance of one Round Table by CAAs as required by the Templar Academie, none of the meetings or Bible studies are mandatory. You may find the active Zoom links for these meetings, as they become scheduled, on the Belief Book pages. 

Getting to know Priory and Order members can be very rewarding. Friendships forged online will only be more fortified if ever there is an opportunity to meet in person. Even if the occasion never arises wherein members can meet, we're sure you will be edified and enriched by taking the time to get to know your entire Templar family, even if it's just online.



Events Calendar

King David Priory Meetings

Schedule yet to be announced

6:30 pm PST via Zoom

(Zoom link and password for entry to the meetings be posted in our Belief Book

Priory Group )

Worldwide Order Round Table Meetings

1st and 3rd Thursday of each month

6:00 pm PST via Zoom

Worldwide Order Bible Studies

Lead by Grand Chaplain Fr. John Kelmy Rodriquez

2nd and 4th Sunday of each month

6:00 pm PST via Zoom

(Zoom link and password for entry to the meetings will be posted in the Belief Book National Order Group.)

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