Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers

King David Priory
| Alaska | Washington | Oregon | Idaho | Montana | Wyoming |

1 SAMUEL 13:14


April 11, 2021
Although COVID had a smaller impact on most things in 2021, an annual Conclave for year 2021 had not been firmly scheduled. Plans were in the works to schedule one in October, if travel restrictions were lifted and Order members felt safe traveling.
In year 2020, the Priory waited several months to knight eligible Knight Aspirants, hoping attendance to the annual Conclave could happen. So, in year 2021, we decided to not wait and hold a virtual ceremony for Knight Aspirant Stephen Jeckel, since he had met all the prerequisites for knighthood.
As with the 2020 virtual Investiture Ceremony (see below), Prior Derek and his wife, Reneé, got creative turning their living room into a place where Prior Derek could conduct the Investiture Ceremony.
As with any Investiture that doesn't take place in a church, Chaplain Joe opened the ceremony with a prayer asking God to bless all locations from which all members were attending.
Prior Derek lead the ceremony with the help of Chaplain Joe Wames, Seneschal John Horay, and Turco Donna Barnett also participating in the ceremony with special readings.
Prior Derek Nordio

Sir Stephen Jeckel
Prior Derek's announcement he made to the National Order on April 11, 2021:
"It is with great pleasure that I announce the Priory of King David had an Investiture Ceremony today, via Zoom, wherein Knight Aspirant, 1SGT Stephen Jeckel received his Accolade and was promoted to the rank of Knight.
Sir Jeckel has been an exemplary member by being actively engaged in the Order and the Priory. Since being promoted to the Sergeant Corps, he has moved up through the Sergeant ranks and has served in the role of mentor for several King David Priory CAAs. I am proud to know that he implements the virtures of knighthood when it comes to his personal and family life, and aspires to teach children in his community about the Knights Templar, using the virtues as guiding principles for them.
Please join me in congratulating Sir Stephen Jeckel!"
Prior Derek Nordio
Priory of King David

Prior Derek Nordio
Since most churches were closed due to COVID, Prior Derek and wife, Reneé, got creative turning their living room into a place where Prior Derek could conduct the Investiture Ceremony.
As with any Investiture that doesn't take place in a church, Chaplain Joe opened the ceremony with a prayer asking God to bless all locations from which all members were participating.
Prior Derek lead the ceremony with the help of Knight Aspirant Joe Wames also acting in the role of Priory Chaplain, and Seneschal John Horay and Turco Donna Barnett also participating in the ceremony with special readings.
October 10, 2020
Due to COVID and the many travel restrictions across the country, the Grand Prior authorized virtual Investitures for Priories to conduct if they had members who were Knight Aspirants and had met all the requirements to be knighted.
Even amidst COVID, a National Conclave was scheduled for late October 2020 at Christ Castle Church in Connecticut, hoping conditions would improve by then.
Holding out hope that King David Priory members would have some good options of flying to Connecticut with minimal risk or no travel restrictions, we did not opt immediately for a virtual ceremony.
Early Fall 2020, as we were trying to solidify our plans, it was discovered that Connecticut had implemented stringent COVID protocols for passengers flying into airports, including a 14-day quarantine.
The Conclave did take place, however, on a smaller scale with members that were able to make a reasonable drive to Connecticut. Since most of our members were not able to take two weeks away from home or job or family responsibilities to meet the 14-day quarantine, it was then decided upon for a virtual Investiture for the Priory's two Knight Aspirants, Reneé Nordio and Joe Wames.

Lady Renee' Nordio

Sir Joe Wames
Prior Derek's announcement he made to the National Order on October 10, 2020:
"It is with great pleasure that I announce today the Priory of King David had its first Investiture. Two Knight Aspirants, 1SGT Reneé Nordio and SSGT Joe Wames were promoted to the rank of Knight.
They both serve in officer and mentor roles in the Priory, displaying all the virtues of knighthood, particularly the virtue of patience. Both having been eligible for the Accolade for months now, but with COVID placing so many restrictions on all of us, we played the waiting game to see what travel plans could be made for either a field Investiture or a Conclave ceremony.
After waiting, the Priory agreed to do a virtual knighting ceremony, eliminating the need for travel and any resulting risk. Please join me in congratulating Lady Reneé Nordio and Sir Joe Wames."
Prior Derek Nordio
Priory of King David