Ordre Militaire Suprême Des Templiers
King David Priory
| Alaska | Washington | Oregon | Idaho | Montana | Wyoming |
1 SAMUEL 13:14
As the Grand Priory allows, Priories are autonomous and able to outline a wide variety of procedures and conduct maintained within their own Priory. Within that autonomy, King David Priory has created the outline below for rank promotions. The following requirements listed for each promotion in rank are the minimum requirements and no promotion is automatic.
Much value will be given to personal merit and willingness to be active and engaged in the Order. There is no requirement that members must advance to every rank within the Sergeant or Knight ranks. Depending on a member's involvement and engagement in the Priory/Order, it is possible for members to skip a certain rank within the Sergeant or Knight ranks. All promotions are given at the discretion of the Prior.
CAA's are required to:
1. Complete CAA classes; including the required one book read and attendance to one National Round Table.
2. Twice weekly postings in our Order group(s) on the membership social media site, Belief Book.
3. Minimum time requirement is six months.
Upon completion of the above, rank promotion to Sergeant.
Consideration for promotion to Staff Sergeant
Minimum requirements are completion of:
1. Completion SAA classes.
2. Attends Priory Meetings/National Round Tables as personal life schedule allows.
3. Twice weekly postings in our Order group(s) on the membership social media site, Belief Book.
4. Expresses the desire to assist the Priory, based on Priory need and individual's personal skill set.
Consideration for promotion to Sergeant First Class
Minimum requirements are completion of:
1. Completion of CAA classes.
2. Actively enrolled in SAA classes and taken on the role of becoming a mentor (if the opportunity had presented itself.)
3. Attends Priory Meetings/National Round Tables as personal life schedule allows.
4. Twice weekly postings in our Order group(s) on the membership social media site, Belief Book.
5. Continues to express the desire to assist the Priory, based on Priory need and individual's personal skill set.
Consideration for promotion to 1st Sergeant
Minimum requirements are completion of:
1. Completion of SAA classes.
2. Attends Priory Meetings/National Round Tables as personal life schedule allows.
3. Twice weekly postings in our Order group(s) on the membership social media site, Belief Book.
4. Served the Priory/Order in some capacity, such as assisting Priory leadership in various ways or being a mentor.
Consideration to be a Knight Aspirant
1. Completion of both CAA and SAA classes.
2. Attends Priory Meetings/National Round Tables as personal life schedule allows.
3. Twice weekly postings in our Order group(s) on the membership social media site, Belief Book.
4. Served the Priory/Order in some capacity, such as assisting Priory leadership in various ways or being a mentor.
5. One year as a member.
6. Completion and acceptance of a Quest assigned to them by the Prior.
7. Upon acceptance of the Quest by the Prior, the member is eligible for knighthood and should order their white mantle as soon as possible. Mantles may be purchased at various online retailers, however, due to some of the red cross image variations, you should have the approval of the Prior before placing your order. You may also order from this Order-approved website: http://www.knightstemplarcoins.com/
8. In addition to the white mantle for knighting, a white cord should be attached to the mantle and white gloves should be worn for the ceremony. The white gloves may have the patté cross on them. Both the white cord and gloves can be purchased at Amazon. Other official attire includes a dark suit (black or navy), white shirt and red tie.
Knight Ranks
Promotions within the rank of Knight are given at the discretion of the Prior and will have the same basis of merit as with the Sergeant promotions (listed above). The following requirements listed for each promotion in rank are the minimum requirements and no promotion is automatic.
Consideration for promotion to Knight Lieutenant
Displays a desire to assist the Priory leader in Priory duties. Active on the Order's social media site, Belief Book.
Consideration for promotion to Knight Captain
Has assisted the Priory leader in Priory duties. Active on the Order's social media platform, Belief Book.
Consideration for promotion to Knight Major
Displays great leadership skills, has assisted the Priory leader in duties, and has contributed widely to the Priory, and the Order, in general. Active on the Order's social media platform, Belief Book.
Consideration for promotion to Knight Commander
Displays exceptional leadership skills with which to lead a Commandery. Active on the Order's social media platform, Belief Book. It is advisable that a Knight Commander will have had other Knight promotions below this Knight rank before being promoted to Knight Commander. It is not advisable for a member to go from the entry level rank of Knight to the immediate promotion to Knight Commander. This is the final promotion within the Knight ranks that is made at the discretion of a Priory leader.
Official Rank Abbreviations
Page (no abbreviation)
Squire (no abbreviation)
Companion-At-Arms (CAA)
Sergeant (SGT)
Staff Sergeant (SSGT)
Sergeant First Class (SFC)
First Sergeant (1SGT)
Knight (KT)
Knight Lieutenant (KLT)
Knight Captain (KCP)
Knight Major (KMJ)
Knight Commander (KC)